Sunday, August 2, 2009

Deep Blues

Some things just make you want to tear you hair out in agony and disappointment. Just when we thought what a perfectly safe round Arjun Atwal was playing at the Buick Open -- the same day when one with the name of Tiger Woods had found himself a ball magnet inside the Warwick Hills holes -- and how delightful it was to see an Indian name hovering around the topmost quarter of the leaderboard, he went and got himself in the worst possible red mist, getting a penalty drop and then making a four-putt on the same hole. Four putts? It should be made a crime in our opinion to do that.

Well, what do we end up with? A double bogey on a par-four and a triple-bogey on a par-five. From five-under for the tournament after 14 holes, Atwal was level-par after 16, tied for the 112nd spot, and making some travel agent out there a little busy.

The first round had been messy for sure, with two bogeys and a double, but he had made enough birdies to keep the damage low and stay at just one-under. There have been just too many mistakes from Arjun, despite his obvious form considering the number of birdies he's been managing to make. That's the fourth cut he's missed in four tournaments since returning to the Tour.

Cheer us up a bit, Arjun.


hey there.. you asked for pics of Gaganjeet on my blog. we have a couple up on the official website